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2-Day Live CNC Class with Ralph May 23-24 2025

Get off on the right foot with professional woodworker, consultant, and author Ralph Bagnall in a two-day, hands-on CNC Training Class that will walk you through choosing the correct machine, setting up your workspace, and using VCarve Pro Software.

Signup today through EventBright

Utilizing Ralph's book "CNC Woodworking for the Absolute Beginner: Winning Tips, Techniques & 5 Skill-Building Projects", participants will be guided through a series of exercises that will provide a fundamental understanding of how to:

  • Design and mill a spoil board to fit your machine.

  • Make clamps and hold downs and how to use them to secure projects.

  • Choose the best bits for the task at hand.

  • Find the proper feeds and speeds to extend tool life.

  • Efficiently tool path your designs for the best quality.

  • Use tabs and "onion skin" to secure parts during cut out.

  • Much more!

Class participation is mandatory for both sessions on Friday and Saturday. As a value add-on, the price includes 3 full months of personal email support from Ralph Bagnall to help further your education, a sit-down lunch both days at Hartville Kitchen, and Ralph Bagnall's book "CNC Woodworking for the Absolute Beginner: Winning Tips, Techniques & 5 Skill-Building Projects".

May 18

Orlando Woodcraft CNC Class #1

May 25

Orlando Woodcraft CNC Class #2