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Orlando Woodcraft CNC Class #3

Pockets and Holes on the CNC- Make a Tic Tac Toe Board

with Ralph Bagnall

Sunday, June 1, 1 PM - 4 PM

Part three in our five-part series you will learn about milling pockets and how to drill holes of any size without burning. Ralph will also show you the drawing commands in V-Carve and how to draw the tic tac toe board the quick and easy way. You will also learn how to cut the game board out using two different bits from the same program. We highly recommend taking all five classes in order. Each class in this series is a unique project that teaches another aspect of CNC Woodworking. Students who take all five classes get both of Ralph’s CNC books free of charge: CNC Woodworking for the Absolute Beginner and Beginner’s Guide to CNC Machining in Wood.

Orlando Woodcraft Class Schedule

May 25

Orlando Woodcraft CNC Class #2

June 8

Orlando Woodcraft CNC Class #4