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Orlando Woodcraft CNC Class #4

Engraving with the CNC- Make a Garden Marker

with Ralph Bagnall

Sunday, June 8, 1 PM - 4 PM

Part four of this five-part series focuses on creating text and using artwork for sign-making projects. Ralph will show you how to choose and use fonts for text and importing a graphic to trace so it can be carved. You will learn the difference between ‘v-carving’ and engraving with the CNC and why you choose one over the other depending on your project. We highly recommend taking all five classes in order. Each class in this series is a unique project that teaches another aspect of CNC Woodworking. Students who take all five classes get both of Ralph’s CNC books free of charge: CNC Woodworking for the Absolute Beginner and Beginner’s Guide to CNC Machining in Wood.

Orlando Woodcraft Class Schedule

June 1

Orlando Woodcraft CNC Class #3

June 29

Orlando Woodcraft CNC Class #5